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Figurals: (top) amorphous blob, Keith Haring's people, Picasso's Girl Before
a Mirror, Dali's melting clock
(second row) Man Ray's Les Amourex, Dali fly, signature piece, Andy Warhol's
dollar sign, Dali's bee
(bottom row) Gockel's Heart of Fire, Rene Magritte's pipe, Mickey Mouse,
Dali's Ascending to Heaven, Miro's star
M.C. Escher's Mosaic II was the inspiration for this mini-puzzle. Each jigsaw puzzle piece represents one of the mosaic animals in Escher's famous work.
Salvador Dali's famous melting clock is represented here. Note the extended cut representing the table that the clock is melting over. |
Rene Magritte's pipe (or is it?) has flowing smoke-lines
extending into the adjacent piece. |
Homage to Modern Art knobby cut |
This puzzle was conceived as an homage to modern art. The customer and I picked out a number of our favorite works of art from the major modern art movements, and attempted to symbolize them all in figural form in the puzzle. Expressionism, abstract art, cubism, dadaism, op art, pop art, and surrealism are all represented, among others.
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