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#41 - The Lover Crowned

Some pieces are removed to show the cutting style and figurals.

Figurals, the mini-puzzle, and some random pieces from "The Lover Crowned".

Some detail shots of the puzzle back give a sense of the cutting style.


The Lover Crowned (Jean-Honore Fragonard)
artistic style
162 pieces
8.5 " x 11" (1.7 pieces per inch)
7 figurals - hummingbird, squirrel, butterfly, my signature piece, rabbit, and two "stars"
multi-piece pierced heart frames the center of the scene

This puzzle is cut with a very intricate and random style, which can be seen in the detail pictures of the back. The central scene of the painting is framed within a pierced heart that makes its own mini-puzzle, which can be also be seen in the pictures.

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Jack-in-the-Box Custom Wooden Puzzles signature pieceCopyright © 2006 Scott Stafford scott@jitbpuzzles.com. All rights reserved.