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I'm not taking orders right now. I'm always interested in feedback on the site or questions you may have, but I probably won't take a commission. You can always ask if you want, of course... :)
I can be contacted via email at scott@jitbpuzzles.com.
Mailing address:
Jack-in-the-Box Puzzles
Scott Stafford
94 Tallowood Drive
Medford, NJ 08055-9150
The most common question I receive is: How do I send you a picture? Click the link and find out!
Privacy Statement: I will never sell or distribute email addresses, ever.
puzzles home | puzzle gallery | custom puzzles | photo puzzles | wedding puzzles | puzzle designs | estimate prices & place order | cutting styles | techniques & tricks | puzzlemaking | links | contact
Copyright © 2006 Scott Stafford scott@jitbpuzzles.com. All rights reserved.